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RealWorld framework Django REST Framework 5 + Angular implementation (up to 18). The previous versions are kept under releases.


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RealWorld Example App

Django REST Framework + Angular codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.

This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with Django REST Framework + Angular including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.

We've gone to great lengths to adhere to the Django REST Framework + Angular community styleguides & best practices.

For more information on how to this works with other frontends/backends, head over to the RealWorld repo.

How it works

See how the clone (called Conduit) is built using Django REST Framework and Angular.

Getting started


Ensure you have Python 3 and Node.js installed on your system. The current project dependency versions are:

  • Python 3.10
  • Node.js 18.5.0


1. Frontend: Choose 1 of 2 ways below:

  • Install frontend dependencies and start frontend locally:
npm --prefix=frontend install
npm --prefix=frontend start

This command will install and start the Angular development server. You can access the Angular application through your web browser at http://localhost:4200.

  • Install and build frontend as static files (Choose this if you don't want to make any changes to Frontend project):
npm --prefix=frontend install
npm --prefix=frontend run build

2. Backend:

  • Set up a virtual environment
# Install environment and dependencies
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# or use this command on Windows
python3 -m venv .venv
  • Install backend dependencies:
pip install -r backend/requirements.txt
  • Apply database migrations:
# Apply migrations
python backend/ migrate
  • Run the Django development server:
# Run server
python backend/ runserver

Now, your local server should be running, and you can access this Django/Angular application through your web browser at http://localhost:8000.