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Patrick Edward L. Samson | Portfolio

About Me

I am an adaptable and highly detail-oriented individual from the field of aviation, and my passion belongs solely to working in front of a computer.

CAD software is so fun, designing an aircraft curve to curve and understanding how they fly. Until I remembered one of my dreams, which is to develop a website corner to corner and understanding how they interact with users and/or clients. I made a career shift and developed my love for Front-End Development and how I can make web pages shrink from one device to another. It is so satisfying to see how that much content, can fit into pop ups, toggle dropdowns, modals, and many other more.

I love Excel and data spreadsheets which is why with the help of Avion I ventured through Back-End Development and database then now I am thirsting for more! I knew a few things about PHP too and how WordPress themes work. I am fully ready to adapt quickly to everything I can absorb on this field of Web Development.

Check it out live to know more about me!

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